If only I had listened….

A Road Less Traveled

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood  And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth;I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence:Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference…………………….
by Robert Frost

A Family

Since before any of us were born, God planned for us to share our lives together. He knew exactly how our strengths and weaknesses would balance one another and the depth of love, understanding and commitment we would learn to feel. He knew the richness, of our separate characters would developed through hard times and that mutual trust and respect would be born as a result of overcoming the trials together. He knew we would need each other…to hug…to help…to teach…to serve…to love… ………………………………..
by Unknown

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